Soul Pick: Jungle Pu$$y

My first reaction was Tah-dayum, yes she can get it, and she does have a nice body. Controversy which leads to gossip helps with entertainers, but nothing as crazy as her name has topped it.

With an album and mixtape to boot, she has expressed what most people could not only think and pushed through a conversation without having to fight anyone to exist. Her unique combination of humour, self love and subversive way her music tackles sexuality and femininity won positive reviews. Junglepussy sheds light on her true essence as the daughter of Mother Nature. Happy to be on earth, living in the playground of life, she seamlessly manifests her dreams into reality.

Having being a featured lecturer at Yale University, she discussed her first songs that inspired her song Cream team but did not want to be too expressive or “artsy”. And since then she has made a conscious decision to stay away from negativity and acknowledging the true power of her choice of words and what she wants to put through, making it aware that it’s a full time job to love yourself and learning new things.

Pregnant with Success was released late 2015 and she described it as “an ode to my mother, to all mothers, to anyone who’s ever planted a seed ,to anyone who’s ever created something, to anyone who’s ever waited patiently for something to come into fruition”.

The first video on this album was released a month ago for the song “Somebody”. Prior to that she featured in Lion Babe’s “Still in love”.